Friday, February 20, 2009

How to find motherboard model in Ubuntu Linux

I've been very dependent on CPU-Z when I need to check the motherboard model of a PC. However, since I've been using Ubuntu lately, this is now a problem. I needed to get my motherboard model without opening my casing and voiding the warranty.

Here is the command to show the motherboard model in Ubuntu.

In terminal window, type:

sudo dmidecode | more

(The | is for piping the output into a nice page-by-page output on screen. Press [Enter] to see the next page)

dmidecode output

You may also pipe the output into a file. Use the following command:

sudo dmidecode >> dmioutput.txt

You may then open the dmioutput.txt using your favorite text editor.

Oh, and one more thing. CPU-Z won't work correctly inside virtualbox. Obviously.



Anonymous said...

well where is the motherboard model there, i cant recognize it :(

markus said...

Under the Base Board Information, the motherboard manufacturer and product name is stated. In my screenshot, it is Intel DG45ID.

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